Monday, February 1, 2010

It's sooo complicated I think it'll never END...but guess what? I'm done

So, it’s late, after 1am…

Last night at a party Big D dialed my line (it was after 11) I let it go to vm, I was at a party and we’re at an impasse, I mean really we’re through. He doesn’t want to commit to me and I’m over being the chick on the side??? (Wtf? What part of the game is this? I lived with you for 6 years in a committed relationship, and I’m not going somewhere we’ve never been. tk is not that much in LOVE ok???) I mean, we’re WAY past that…

So tonight, starting at about 10:45pm…him me

Tried to call you yesterday

Yeah I saw that

U didn’t want to answer

I was at a birthday party and it was hella loud

U didn’t call me back

No I didn’t

Guess u setting the grounds

You know where I stand. I don’t know where you stand or what you want. So in my eyes it means you don’t want me so I see no reason why I’m supposed to answer your call or call you, I don’t talk to taken men

Well I’m getting tired always the same thing u don’t want to talk to me or be my friend then don’t I have to find someone else to depend on

So the conversation ends there. This is a grown 43 year old man that earns a living and can take care of his self. He has been affected by the recession and has some slower earnings than previous years so I have helped him cause I pretty much live at home…BUTTTTTT…he bought ‘somebody’ something for over $400 at Nordstroms and trust it wasn’t me…so if he needs anything he should be asking the one he gifts extravagantly, isn’t she the one who he’s growing with? To me we are done, I can’t keep the role of your caretaker for the rest of our lives when you ‘date’ someone else but are always worried about where I am and if I’m with someone and even when I say I’m not you don’t forking believe me….really?

We had an argument the other day regarding him and relying on me as though I’m committed to him but he’s committed to someone else, so I decided then that I’m really over this insanity so I called him, he didn’t call me back, and when he tried to talk to me a couple of hours later I decided to forget it…it was clear by those text messages that us being a couple ain’t going to happen, I would transcribe but they are way lamer…this is a condensed version of our conversations and my clarity of the situation and his babiness and neediness and someone else needs to be his freaking Captain! That’s NO LONGER MY JOB!!

I am very clear on this issue.....I am too available for nothing, so it's time for me to move on to my own life and leave the old one behind

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am certainly PROUD of you. He needs to know that HE IS A GFROWN ass man, he cant have his cake and opie and well whatever else. I am glad u are not going to ENABLE him to take advantage of you.
